Being a Picture Editor for the Yorskshire Post ~Marisa Cashill

Marisa Cashill is a picture editor for the Yorkshire post, which is a newspaper, where the photographs are large, and focuses its energy on Yorkshire news alongside national. Through Marisa’s photo-editing the newspaper as hailed a lot of layout and photography awards.

Being a picture editor is not only deciding where pictures go within the newspaper/magazine/book, Marisa has lots of different jobs:

  • Deciding what pictures to use (out of a large collection) and where they are going in regards to the issue and on the page.

  • She decides what foes on the from page, and designs the layout.

  • She has to work beyond the obvious, need to make sure the feed is unique and fast, so need to keep up with the pace of the news but in a unique way - she does this by finding different stories for example she published a story about the Blackpool beach donkey’s.

  • Documenting history - she has an important job of broadcasting history. She likes representing this by making a subject alone, for example at Prince Philips funeral she published a picture of Queen Elizabeth on her own.

  • She has to work with trauma - This can be tricky as she does not want to hide the truth of war, but also has to consider the readers.


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