14 Bedrooms

Fourteen bedrooms is about the ideology and reality of living with fourteen people in one accommodation. This project tries to communicate the hectic manor and disorganisation that comes hand in hand with living in a domestic space, however, on the contrary it also projects the idea of some form of beauty within this. For example, within this project there are some peaceful/relaxing images incorporated in the body of work to reflect the fun times and memories made when living with so many people.

Binding Methods For Book

For the Fourteen Bedrooms book publication, as the images in the book tend to focus on the messy aspects of the location, I wanted to reflect this with the binding of my book. I thought this was best represented by using a pamphlet stitch, show on the right of this text. This helped best represent my work as it reflects the chaos of living with thirteen other people. Additionally, a beneficial aspect to using this binding is that it allows the book to lie flat, due to the small spine, which is an element that is attractive to myself and something I wanted to incorporate.

Step One: Firstly fold all paper/pages into half.

Step Two: Cut the thread so that it is three times the length of the book/magazine that is going to be bound.

Step Three (optional): Coat the thread in beeswax as this coats it making it slicker.

Step Four: Create three or more holes in the crease of all the pages, one in the centre the next two half way between the edge of the paper and the middle hole.

Step Four: If you want the thread on the inside you start on the inside and rise-versa. Start by threading the needle through the centre hole (hole B), leaving a tail.

Pamphlet Stitch

Step Five: From the outside of the book, then thread the needle and thread into the bottom hole (hole c).

Step Six: The thread the needle through the top hole (hole A).

Step Seven: Go back through the centre hole (hole B) and make sure to come out on the opposite side if the string than when you went in, for example is the starting thread is on the right make sure the finishing thread is on the left.

Step Eight: Unthread the needle then tie a knot in the two string, right over left then left over right. You can also tie a bow if wanted.

Steph Nine: Trim the access, but not too close to the knot as this can come undone.

You have now successfully bound a book using the pamphlet stitch.