Photography As Inquiry (2010 to present) ~ Yan Preston.

  • Studying an MA is valuable as it is a good edition to your CV and practice as it helps you push your work further. Furthermore it helps to advance critical photography.

  • How To Get Shows

    • Portfolio Reviews - effective to get name and work known, people may offer to help with exhibition or refer you to individuals to help.

    • Residences - residences are there to support the artists and provide sponsorship (sometimes), therefore sometimes they offer a space for exhibition or will organise this.

    • It is important to self-promote to produce opportunities- if you have good work put it in front of people. Can do this with competitions.

Overall, when choosing photography as a career it is important to not give up and continue to make opportunities for yourself. Furthermore if heading into the commission side of photography, it is also important to have personal photography as this makes the ambition carry on and creates a stronger photographer. It is important to not be passive within this career and to be active, getting yourself seen and heard. Furthermore, in photography you are the devisor of your career, if you want enough you can get it.


The Importance of Sequencing ~ Liam Devlin and Thomas Duffield.


Is there a new type of fashion photography that only functions on Instagram? Chapter III: Is Instagram Fashion Photography a subculture? ~ Part Five