How To Get In Contact With A Professional Photographer ~ Maya Sharp.

When interacting with a professional photographer, or anyone in the industry it is important to be polite do research on the type of photography and projects they have done and to compliment their work. When getting in contact with photographers, both AOP and LinkedIn are helpful sights in order to gain photography jobs.

Here are some tips on how to contact a professional photographer:

  • Email everyone/every photographer, and be polite. If they do not reply to their email, email again they may not have seen it.

  • Compliment their work (people like to be complimented)

  • Research around the photographer, see what their business and photography is about, this can set you apart from the rest.

  • Put assisting adverts out on websites such as AOP.

  • Apply for every assistant job you can find.

  • Interact with them on social media, however this may not be as effective as email.

  • It is important to ask the photographer you have worked for for testimonials, this can be put on your website and will help in gaining more paid jobs.

The key to communicating with professionals is to be polite, like you would anyway, and to ask for opportunities or to see how they work without being payed.


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