How To Make A Gif.

Preparing the Images for the Gif

  • Save the images as jpeg (make sure they are not large files)

  • Open Lightroom and amend the images as preferred, can amend first image and sync these changes to the rest of the images in the sequence (do this by pressing the sync button)

  • Export these images (maybe numbers on the images to make the sequencing easier later in the process)

Opening the prepared Images in Photoshop

  • Before opening the images in photoshop press, file - scripts - load files to stack - browse and click the desired file - open

  • If the background is consistent can press attempt to automatically align sorce images (if not this has to be done by hand)

Making the Gif in Photoshop

  • The timeline of the images should appear at the bottom of the page, if to press, window - timeline (the timeline should then appear)

  • Ensure the Timeline is on ‘Create Frame Animation’, then click this.

  • The first frame of the Gif should then appear. Next press the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines stacked on top of each other) and press ‘make frames from layers’ which should make all the images in the sequence appear.

  • The Gif can now be played in a continuous loop (this may be defaulted at once so press ‘once‘ in the bottom left and click forever)

  • If the Gif is too fast select all images in the timeline and press the dropdown and press duration. This can be changed to the amount of time you want the image to be played in the Gif.

Exporting the Gif

  • Press file - export - save for web (legacy) - save.

  • With the preview you can drop the colour to reduce size, MAKE SURE GIF IS PRESSED/SELECTED.

  • Convert to sRGB (this should already be ticked)

  • Can optimise the picture size to how big or small needed.

After this process you should have a working Gif.


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