Is there a new type of fashion photography that only functions on Instagram?Chapter III: Is Instagram Fashion Photography a subculture?

A major discussion that may contradict the subsistence of there being a new type of photography bespoke to Instagram, is the argument of it being the result of a subculture or subculture itself. Like many things, social media can be sectioned into smaller segments, which are named subcultures and Instagram is no exception to this.


Art and Photographers Culture

Instagram is divided into a plethora of cultures, which has become the foundation of understanding for social media cultures. The first subculture discussed is the ‘Art and Photographers’ culture, which may seem self-explanatory. Individuals with these accounts are often artists, photographers or businesses, like Burberry, who have developed their brand and selves as makers on Instagram and are considered having fashionable feeds which appeal to individuals due to their themes and eloquence. These types of accounts post images that are independent and captured by themselves or their partners, which rarely coincide with trends, but follow their own practices and concepts. This subculture is self-contained and expresses admiration through ‘likes’ and ‘comments’.


Social Awareness Culture

An additional subculture is ‘Social Awareness’, which contain individuals/businesses using Instagram to raise awareness about various causes close to their hearts. This culture is successful in raising awareness and spreading word about important events and can sometimes aid social change or create pressure for influential people to make modifications. Environmentalists are usually a part of this subculture as they raise social awareness about the planet, trying to educate individuals on certain subjects. (Leaver, 2020).


Instagram Fashion Photography: Part of Subculture?

With multiple subcultures found, it is reasonable to believe that IFP could be the result of a subculture. As stated at the preliminary of this reading, these subcultures have been defined for social media, inferring that these also apply to other ‘apps’ such as Facebook. This goes against the idea that this new fashion photography only functions on Instagram, as if it is a part of a subculture, this type of photography would work on all social media platforms. For example, it is possible that this type of photography could be the result of the ‘Art and Photographer’ culture, because fashion brands are companies that devise their own content and tend to set rather than follow trends. If this is the case, this is imperative to the idea that the new defined style of fashion photography is not only exclusive to Instagram.


Instagram Fashion Photography: Undefined Subculture?

Advancing with the subculture theme, it is a possibility that IFP is its own subculture, but has not been defined, as it has its own unique features. This is relevant, as this may support the statement that IFP exists as a result of fashion culture. 


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