Using Fishing Wire

Using fishing wire to hangs things up in shoots and exhibitions is effective as it makes it seem like the product if floating and opens the doors to create lots of creative outcomes. Fishing wire has been used for lots of different things in photography, however this text focuses on fishing wire in product photography and Gif’s.

Fishing wire’s original use is quite self-explanatory, as it a wire placed in a fishing rod to catch fish, and is a strong see through wire. In photography, this wire can be used as explained previously to hang up products to make them seem like they are floating, which can be seen in the above image. This can create fun and creative images to engage the viewer and make the photograph more fun. When experimenting with fishing wire, it is always creative process and is exciting to see the final result.

Tips for Using Fishing Wire in Photography

  • Insure to lower whatever you are attaching the fishing wire too, as the wire can be quite slippy and hard to see, so lowering this makes it easier.

  • Insure the wire can hold the products weight before fully letting go of the product. If the product is too heavy string or other handing appliances can be used, however fishing wire is easier to edit out in post.

  • Hang the product up in more than one place, as if you try and hand the product up with one piece of string the product will rotate making it hard to photograph. For example in the image above there was three pieces of string holding the product up, the first on the handle and one one either buckle.

Personally using fishing wire, is a fun and effective way to capture products and creates profession yet different exiting end results.


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