Interim shows.

Throughout the course of my final year, I have participated in three interim shows which has helped show my progression through this process. Upon reflecting upon the first interim show, this has allowed me to see how my work has developed and to keep me motivated to improve even further.

First Interim Show

As you can see from this first interim show, there was little consideration in that paper stock and how the images is installed, as it is printed on standard stock paper and stuck up using masking tape. This therefore was not considered and therefore not professional. Furthermore the techniques behind the image weren’t that strong, as the background is too dark and so if the product, and is lit flatly.

Second Interim Show

For the second interim show, as you can tell from the stock of the paper, that this image was more considered and was printed on semi-gloss paper. Furthermore, the way the image is hung is more considered, using paddle pins and bulldog clips, however this was still not at the standard I desired. To also improve this, I would think this would be more effective full bleed. Advancing on this, compared to the first interim show I believe this photograph is more technical, however this still could be improved, for example reflecting more light into the bottom of the product.

Third Interim Show

For the third interim show, I decided to consider my print further by deciding to frame my work so that the paddle pins were hidden, compared to the second interim show. For this interim show I decided to use a black colour frame as I liked the way in contrasted the colourful image and made it stand out further. To advance this, I took the glass out of the frame to reduce the reflection and it made it look less cheap and more professional. Advancing on this, I printed again on semi gloss paper as I believe this works best with my product photography. In terms of technicalities, although it is not the best and it can be advance further, I believe the technicalities of this image are strong and professional. However the bag is lit quite flatly, however I think this works for this image and makes people stop and want to look at this.

Preparation for Exhibition

This process has prepared me for the end of year exhibition as it has allowed me to test paper, hanging and framing techniques allowing me to see what fits best with my imagery. However for my exhibition, I have made the decision to overlap my work to give a unique edge to my photography, using the different techniques of hanging in frames and hanging on mount board. I have decided to do this in order to peak peoples interests and keep peoples attentions.


Format Festival ~ Derby


How to be an efficient assistant