Is there a new type of fashion photography that only functions on Instagram? Chapter IV: Do influencers heighten the idea of Instagram Fashion Photography? Influencer Case Study ~ Part 8.

Delving deeper, it felt relevant to look at a case study regarding IFP through influencers. This case study investigates influencer and YouTuber Saffron Barker and her partnership with The Giving Movement. The Giving Movement is a fashion brand motivated to create a widespread drive of conscious consumerism and intends to raise one-million dollars for Harmony House and Dubai cares, which are charities helping developing countries.

Instagram Fashion Photography?

As mentioned, previously, this brand created a partnership with Saffron Barker, who posted the image shown in Figure Four, wearing The Giving Movement branded tracksuit. Through this partnership, it is clear that The Giving Movement is trying to be involved in the culture of Instagram, using Saffron’s influence to achieve this. This image was posted on Barkers personal Instagram which received twenty-seven thousand likes, indicating the extent of her followers. Individuals who follow an influencer gain an insight to their personal day-to-day life, allowing these followers to trust their opinions and reviews on certain products. This helps to explain why influencers, like Saffron, are so important for boosting a brands reputation, and why they are a large face for IFP. Brands invest in the influencer marketing due to their large follower base, which is apparent in this situation, reaching a large number of potential customers via the influencers network. Interestingly, this promotional image is not featured elsewhere apart from the creators Instagram account. Suggesting that the brand is not willing to feature this image on their website but are willing to be related to it on Instagram. 


It is noticeable that this image is not professionally taken, as the background is clumsy, pulling the attention away from the clothes, suggesting that the picture has been taken in an amateur, every-day style. For example, the brands logo is not as noticeable as it may have been if photographed professionally. Furthermore, as the model is posing, looking directly into the camera creating this idea of self-portraiture, again, instilling that this is an example of IFP. Furthermore, the aesthetic of the setting with trendy hair and make-up showcases ‘Instagram nature’.


Conventional Fashion Photography?

However, it could simply be that this photograph is reflecting conventional photography. The outfit has been styled as the bag and shoes have been carefully considered, something that is practiced in most aspects of professional photography, not just on Instagram.


To recapitulate, this chapter highlights that there is scientific research behind the impact influencers have on brand advertisement, and the different attitudes brands maintain between their website and who represents them on Instagram. This is because the pictures posted by theinfluencers, to represent the brand, are not featured on the brands website,signifying differentstandards between the two platforms. This therefore supports the idea that there is a new type of IFP that is relevant only for Instagram.


How to create a unique eye-catching background.


Tips and Advice for Becoming a Professional Photographer ~ Richard White.