Lighting Product Without Materialistic Influence ~ David Lake.

Lighting a product without considering the materialistic features (for example the label or the products/businesses), is sometimes vital when lighting a product shot. Personally when photographing product shots, I was considering more about features/probs around the product than lighting to product itself which is why I participated in a workshop which relegated all materialistic influence in the product.

For this I photographed and lit a product which had been painted over in grey considering how the light looks on the product ensuring that:

  • The product look three-dimensional instead of a flat two-dimensional shape.

  • Ensure to use reflectors, poly boards and diffusers to soften the light and create softer highlights on the product.

  • Crouch to the eye level of the camera to see the effect the reflectors and lights are having.

To strengthen product photography:

  • Light Painting

    • The idea of taking various images, layering them over each other and painting the stronger features into the image. (can do this to ensure that all features are in focus)

  • Pen Tool

    • The pen tool featured in Photoshop is vital for cutting out products from their backgrounds effectively and precisely.


Is there a new type of fashion photography that only functions on Instagram? ~ Part Four, The Evolution of the internet and smartphones.


Top Tips For Being Self-Employed ~ Text Book Studios.