Top Tips For Being Self-Employed ~ Text Book Studios.

Being self-employed, like everything, comes with a wealth of strengths and weaknesses. So here are a few tips, advised by Text Book Studios, tips on setting up a business and being self employed.

  • It is important to surround yourself with people and things that support your work at the current moment, for example things that benefitted you in university. For example: printers, print room, cameras, lenses, friends you can trust and work well with etc.

  • In order to create a network, go to events and show up for people, for example if someone is having an exhibition go and support them and show your face. Be nice and recommend friends and share their work and support them. Respect people and their work.

  • Tips about Money: Do not worry about tax Do not spend what you do not have or borrow money/loans Whatever money you think you should charge for a job double it Be the first to say a number when it comes to prices go higher than you think you should.

  • Fun things can also turn into work (for example finding a new setting on the printer which makes the work seem saturated. Someone may want this type of work).

Overall, it is important to be supportive to the people who surround you as support is a good way to make connections. Being self-employed with your own business may be intimidating but as long as you are surrounded by equipment, facilities and people who support the work produced will be beneficial for this process.


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