Top Tips For Website Design ~ Text Book Studios

Creating a website can be fun, but it is also important that the website looks professional and is simple to use, here are some tips in how to ensure this.

  • No more than three clicks to get to what you want, this creates a simple navigation system and makes the website simple and quick to use.

  • Simple layout, this allows the work to do all the talking and communication. Also means nothing else is distracting the viewer away from the quality of work.

  • Use a classic typeface and select light weights in these fonts, this means they are thinner and easier to look at. Typefaces such as, Bodoni, Garamond, Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk and Franklin Gothic are effective.

  • Beneficial to have a talk with a designer (Graphic Designer) to held design the website and possibly a logo.

  • Do not waste time on coding focus on using a clean pre-designed layout.

  • Use Adobe Fonts and Google Fonts for free.

  • Write clearly and to the point.

Questions to consider when creating/designing website:

  • Who do you want to look at your site?

  • How do you want the website/design to look like?

  • What do they need to know about you? (this can be researched into by reading the bios of practitioners you admire).

In terms of website design, most of the time less is more as this allows all the attention to be on the work itself which is beneficial, especially for photography and visual media platforms.


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