Using Artificial Intelligence in a photography shoot.

It is common knowledge that Artificial Intelligence, AI, is a fast growing phenomenon and is something that will become a threat to videography and photography if not embraced. Hence why I began to experiment with incorporating it within my photography as a background.

In order to do this I used the website ———- which is copy right free to get the background I wanted, a penthouse view at sunset, downloading this and blurring it slightly. After this I exported it onto a pen drive, inserting this into a screen and placing it behind my product. A top tip for using screens behind product photography, especially when using flash lighting, is that the screen may have to be moved backwards as the flash can make the screen appear black. Meaning the background will not be visible.

Image taken by Molly using AI as the background.

It is useful to embrace these new technologies, as it helps set you apart from other photographers and allows you to embrace modern ideas. Furthermore with embracing these phenomenons, it allows you to have a greater understand of the new and upcoming technologies giving you a step into the future and understanding what to come. Furthermore with using AI this allows the process of brining sets to life easier as the AI does this for you instead of spending hours set designing, which makes this process even faster and more cost effective.

As it stands AI is not copyrighted and has little to no laws connected to this as it stands today, however this will more than likely change. A challenge with photographing using AI is getting the lighting right to match the background. For example with the image above you can see the sunlight coming in through the window, however, the light on the bottle does not match this as there should be light hitting the shoulder of the bottle. Therefore, although the background makes it easier to create a set, it is therefore harder to light the image to make it seem realistic and make sense.

With summary to this, in this moment in time AI is easy to incorporate into photography as there is no copyright issues with it, which may alter in the upcoming years. Furthermore AI is not a threat to photography at the moment, however as it continues to get more intelligent, it runs the risk of taking over photography.


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