Using Square-Space over other website companies.

Upon reviewing various different website companies, I decided that Square Space was the most versatile for my needs. The websites I did look at but did not use were:

  • Format - Which was not used as I did not believe it fit my work, and personally the templates restricted my creative freedom too much.

  • WIX - I began by using this, however it was not professional and did not reflect my work.

  • Cargo - I did not use Cargo as I know little to nothing about coding and I believe try to learn about this would have hindered my process and would have been too time consuming for myself.

Due to these factors I decided to constructed my website with square space as it is, easy to use, flexible to construct into what you want in your website and what you want to get out go it, and is used by many professional photographers.

Another factor that made me choose square-space over other website companies was that you can change the logo that comes up next to your website name, which for myself is a feature I was keen to include.

Although Square-Space provides templates for designing the website, they are quite flexible and easily adjustable which made Square Space much more attractive to me.

In conclusion, I think choosing to design my website with Square Space was successful as this allowed me to bend the templates to my needs creating a website that fit with not only my photographs but also my designing needs. With using this platform, I had lots of designing freedom and gained the aesthetics I desired with this.


Using Artificial Intelligence in a photography shoot.


Is there a new type of fashion photography that only functions on Instagram? Conclusion. Part 10.