Is there a new type of fashion photography that only functions on Instagram? Conclusion. Part 10.

Ultimately, it is apparent that there is a new type of fashion photography that only functions on Instagram, especially when referring to fashion brands online. Due to the little information and academic research devised within this topic, it is not definite that this conclusion will be viable in the future. Considering the fast pace of Instagram and social media, it is probable that this style of photography may infiltrate other social media and website platforms, instead of being exclusive to Instagram, previously attempted by brands such as Patagoniaand Burberry. Furthermore, enhanced research of this topic will be deliberated in the future and possibly change the perspective of this essay. With investigation, it has been determined that influencers and brands thrive to gain publicity and ‘likes’ on Instagram, utilising creative and unique imagery to attract consumers in order to integrate within the Instagram nature and culture. This, therefore, is different to how fashion online is captured, as brands tend to attract consumers by creating a positive mood and effect on the individual through traditional fashion photographs. Referring to culture, it is apparent that this genre of photography may be the result of a subculture, which is the central argument against the idea that this type of fashion photography is only restricted to Instagram. Although there may be a possibility, that this type of photography is exclusive to all social media platforms, it is mostly decipherable and effective on Instagram, proved through brands such as Cider. The impact of influencers is also a factor of how this style of photography only works on Instagram, influencers are more recognisable and influential in a photograph-based way on Instagram, as other social medias such as Facebook have different types of users and usability. Although there is evidence to suggest otherwise, it is recognisable that there is an innovative category of fashion photography that only functions on Instagram in modern day. As Instagram is an imagery-based platform, it is essential that fashion photographs are unique and stand out from the rest in order to gain publicity, meaning the techniques to accentuate this will contradict techniques for standard fashion photography. Furthermore, factors on Instagram such as influencers, ‘captions’ and ‘likes’ will also change the dynamic of what is expected in order to fit with ‘Instagram nature’. Therefore, it is evident that there is a new type of fashion photography that only functions on Instagram, although this may change in the future due to research and popularity.  


Using Square-Space over other website companies.


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