Is there a new type of fashion photography that only functions on Instagram? ~ Part Three, Case Study.

High fashion brand: Burberry   

Figure Two-Burberry.(2022).[Photographic Image].Burberry.

Conventional Fashion Photography?

Although Burberry is prevalent on Instagram, it can be debated that they do not coincide with the idea of IFP, as their luxury high-end clothes do not appeal to many individuals using Instagram. Advancing on this, Burberry is a high-class clothing brand with a grand reputation and luxury products, it is ranked alongside Gucci and Louis Vuitton (Phan, Thomas & Heine, 2012), and is also known for expensive price-tags. With this knowledge, from Figure Two, it is easy to interpret that Burberry are reflecting the high-end brand with the aesthetics in this image. For example, the model is epitomising an expensive, glamorous celebrity that is being photographed by the paparazzi; the sunglasses representing a concealed identity, something which may not resonate with the viewers. Additionally, the coat is perfectly steamed, this is not a common action of the general population. This is further emphasised by the low camera angle which insinuates that the brand is more important than the person viewing the image. This maintains the theme of an unobtainable, high-end luxury fashion brand. When contemplating the popularity of this image in particular, the post gained 17,275 likes in three days, which is exceedingly more popular than the Cider post (Figure One). However, this does not mean it fits in with Instagram fashion, the wealth of likes to this image helps project the idea that Burberryis an admired and luxury brand, where individuals look in awe of the clothing but will not purchase due to its expense.


Instagram Fashion Photography?

Conversely, it can be argued that they are trying to represent the ‘everyday’ and trying to fit in with the Instagram photography culture, as individuals tend to post about what they are doing in their everyday lives. Focusing on the background, a long shutter speed has been utilised to create the motion blur of the bus, bringing realism to the set. This makes it appear that the model is commuting in the fast pace of everyday. Interestingly, the leading lines of the pavement, road markings and the bus draw the eyes to the right-hand side of the image, urging the viewer to gaze at the rest of the post. On Instagram if a post contains more than one photograph, the user has to swipe right to left to see each image. This supports the argument that IFP may exist as Burberry are considering the layout of Instagram for their imagery. When comparing this particular image to the rest of Burberry’s Instagram feed and website, it is instantly recognisable that this particular campaign is different from the rest. Upon reviewing their website, this campaign is not used on the main section, however, was placed under ‘stories’, with a link to ‘shop this look’ once pressed. From this, it is evident that this campaign was created for Instagram, representing the idea of fitting in with Instagram fashion culture, as this campaign was featured all over their Instagram but was not considered to be appropriate to feature in the main body of their website. Therefore, Burberry, does not invalidate this new type of fashion photography, but heightens its existence, as a high-end brand is trying to belong within this aesthetic, even when their brand does not coincide with this. That being said, not all images taken can be featured on the main page. As these images are a part of a campaign, it is understandable why the images would be featured in the story section, as they were intended to catch consumers attention towards their website and brand, but not to sell the clothes directly. Meaning that the idea of IFP may be falsified.


It is important to note, that Burberry are keen to be a part of the IFP, making the clothes appear to be mundane and taking the images into the everyday setting. However due to the prestige of this brand, this excludes them from being a part of the Instagram fashion, as not everyone can afford their price-tags.


Lighting A Product Without Materialistic Influence~ David Lake.


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